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Daily Routine

Our preschool routine outlines the typical daily flow for children aged three to six years. The preschool daily routine provides a consistent pattern of activities for learning time, meals, rest, and outdoor play. The predictability of the routine helps children to feel secure and positively influences their emotional, cognitive, and social development.

Morning Routine

Paragon Montessori School opens at 6:30 am for Before School Care. Upon arrival, please remember to sign your child in and place their bag and belongings in their cubby. Children need a labeled water bottle, hat, and spare set of clothes each day.

For normal school attendees, dropoff can be as early at 8:15 am.  When you are ready to enter the classroom, please knock on the door, and wait for an educator to greet your child. Older children are encouraged to knock on the door once they have been introduced to the Grace and Courtesy Curriculum. Please say goodbye at the door to minimize disruption to the class.


Montessori Work Cycle

Once your child enters the classroom they will begin the Montessori Work Cycle. Children may choose to work individually, with an educator, or in a small group setting.

Students are encouraged to learn by moving, follow their interests, and pack away before they proceed with the next activity. Learning is individually paced and based on each child’s developmental needs and interests.

Mid-Morning Routine

Around 10am, the Montessori Work Cycle concludes, and children enjoy a nutritious morning tea from a rotating menu of fresh fruit, muffins, cereal, healthy slices, and sandwiches accompanied by milk.


The children then go outside to play and engage in activities that encourage their physical development and fundamental movement skills. Children practice ball skills, running and jumping, play in the sandpit, engage in collaborative play, and participate in games, music, and dancing activities.

Pre-School Workout
Montessori-School-Group Time

Group Time

After the outdoor play, the children participate in group time which typically includes planned activities based on children’s interests.


Group time activities may include language activities, group interest projects, lessons in grace and courtesy, walking on the line, art and craft, or music and movement.


Throughout the day children participate in both planned and spontaneous group time experiences.

Lunch and Rest Time

Around 11:30am, the children settle in for the lunchtime routine. Lunch is a social time, where educators encourage talking about different types of food and table manners. Lunch is also a great time to practice skills such as spooning, tonging, and using a fork.

After lunch, children sleep or have quiet rest time. The room is darkened and quiet sleep music lulls the children into a restful sleep. Younger children sleep or rest on floor beds. Quiet activities, school readiness booklets, and Montessori extended day activities are available for children who do not sleep.

Montessori School Outdoor Play

Afternoon Routine

Around 2:30 pm, the children who rest begin to wake up, and communal afternoon tea is served. This is typically fresh vegetable sticks and dip, sandwiches, cheese and crackers, yogurt, wraps, fresh fruit, or healthy muffins accompanied by water.

Once children have finished eating, they participate in outdoor play. Children follow their interests, explore the outdoors, and participate in individual and group learning experiences that foster social skills and fundamental movement skills.

Late Afternoon Routine

In the late afternoon, from around 3:30 pm onwards, children return inside and begin winding down for the day. During this time, children engage in open-ended play, using building blocks, arts and crafts, construction pieces, worksheets, puzzles, or animal figurines. 

By 6:30 pm, all children have returned home with their families. The childcare center is thoroughly cleaned and prepared for the next day. Throughout the day families will receive updates about their child’s day via our family communication app.

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